“The Murder of BAYAN MUNA for leftist-TRAPO Alliance in MAKABAYAN”
Finally rumors cracked fact with BAYAN MUNA launching Satur Ocampo’s senatorial bid alongside the Genuine Opposition bloc financed no less by deposed president Joseph “Erap” Estrada and supposed C5-Road “earner” Sen. Manny Villar last May 28th in UP Diliman. As speculated, BAYAN MUNA members are to contend with sufficing Satur Ocampo’s political ambitions by swallowing-in their long-abhorred ERAP together with now graft-riddled VILLAR in exchange for a “funding scheme” that proves vital to finance Ocampo’s early campaigns. Quite frankly, this “gamitan issue” between top brass in the Opposition and the militant groups of Ocampo is nothing but a usual “hobby” amongst TRAPOs in the government. After the “balimbingan” expect to see Satur Ocampo banging the streets once again lobbying against his recent “financier”, Erap.
As the “illegal” campaigns or should we say the indiscriminate campaigning for the 2010 swarm the media even before the candidacies are filed and campaign period are set, Ocampo and peers in the likes of Liza Masa and Teddy Casiño are now busy setting-up dinner-dates with Estrada-controlled solons. In fact, the doled-out half a million peso by Erap during the April 16th pre-launching of Ocampo’s senatorial bid under the political pool MAKABAYAN served no less than a tip among the iceberg of “paychecks”. It is quite possible that the unliquidated funds and ofcourse the laundered millions during the Erap administration happen to what Ocampo and company are now “begging for a share”. Besides, it would be easier for these militants turned “political” stalwarts” wanna-be to play dumb with the idea of having the multi-million plundered money for their campaigns. It is ofcourse simple to deny.
BAYAN MUNA is clearly being substituted by the TRAPOs merging in MAKABAYAN. The “militancy” façade is actually not working for the said partylist group after the voters dropped BAYAN MUNA like a hot potato year 2004. As such, Ocampo is not dumb enough to rely on mere public perspective on activists being rightists; meaning the people trusting activists are ever right and morally correct. The people ofcourse took notice of just what these activists are up to. Had they lived-up to the reform they promise to uphold once they are sworn-in. More or less, Ocampo and others like him are incapable of hiding their flaws no more. Their three-year consecutive terms in the Lower House led to nowhere. Other than orchestrating rallies and gathering minors and paid participants to make a mob for street actions, Ocampo sure had done nothing else but walk-out during legislative proceedings.
If there had been one thing that Ocampo contributed to the current governing body, it would be no less than adding-up on the long list of “Traditional Politicians” whose loyalty stay with the ones that could better provide them of “power”. The alliance of the GO and BAYAN MUNA thru MAKABAYAN is one potential evidence of TRAPO’s age-old “political maneuvering”. Ocampo who would have gorged-out Erap’s lying eyes during the impeachment proceeding is now grooming Erap from head to toe. He has basically changed into another Erap lapdog.
Exploiting the members of GABRIELA, ACT and LFS is among Ocampo’s to-do list. He is out to make sure his “senator-ship” by hook or by crook; even if this means being Erap’s order-around butler.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Is Alston on the Look-out for Communist Welfare?
UN Human Rights Specialist Philip Alston, with due respect to his commitment in the country’s politicized deaths should first rationalize his supposed “measures” in establishing “greater transparency” in our government. First and foremost he remains a “stranger” amongst us; he simply cannot “boss” Filipinos around whenever he feels dissatisfied with what our government is capable of doing. Lambasting the current administration for supposed slow-paced countermeasures on extra-judicial abuses, which he himself had commended “efficient”, had gone from “tolerable” to “insufferable”.
Surely, not one Juan dela Cruz across the street would absolve GLORIA for her administration’s shortcomings but neither would he discount the efforts made by the government to resolve such. In fact, this had been the ultimate reason why GLORIA continues to remain afloat despite series of recent upheavals caused by believed exploitative graft cases under her rule.
Filipinos simply know when and where they should act and whom to listen to. Unfortunately, Alston with his hard to live-up standards was far too “ignorant” to notice that.
The obvious decline in the ratios of believed militants’ executions in-between 2006 till 2008 could speak for itself. What is Alston expecting from 220 to zilch? Anyone logical enough to synthesize this progress and Alston’s appositive view would think otherwise. Not even western super powers are able to do it. Take for example the ongoing detention cells in Guantanamo Bay. Other than supposed tortures habitually executed among prisoners in said detention camp, death tolls of inmates had also skyrocketed. Or what about the summary executions launched in Latin America?
The rise of Columbia drug-trade and gun-running that almost crippled the country’s law enforcement had also reflected thousands of untold deaths per day. Else, the ruthless clout of Communism in Myanmar that until now dragged children combatants and massive forced labor across the country. These were far horrible cases of human rights that Alston himself could not swallow. Admittedly, the 64 cases of these assumed unexplained disappearances and illegal detentions filed by various militant groups in the country are of no match if compared with the plummeting human rights defenses in the international arena. Thus, Alston’s bickering here and there of our country’s HR progress had entirely been overrated.
For the sake of argument, let say Alston was not entirely pointless with his “waving the red flag” on assumed lax in the country’s law enforcement. Frankly speaking, civilians residing across far-flung villages in the country echo the same screech. Undeniably, extortions and wide-range threat posed by the Communist Party of the Philippines are gaining grounds. Reasons for such include the military being tied-down by riddling charges of often insubstantial writs of amparo. The CPP-NPA with the help ofcourse of its allied groups run by the National Democratic Front (NDF) had exploited Filipinos’ very democratic space to shield their misdeeds.
Specifically, this had to do with the filed writ of amparo on the 66th Infantry Battalion by members of KARAPATAN regarding the foiled abduction and detention of NPA leaders- Ruel Cabales, Catherine Guino-o Cacdac and Nelson Carbajosa in Compostella Valley. However, in about a month, all three negated said charges and attested having surrendered to said military unit for reasons of dwindling food supply and disgruntling guerilla leadership. Cabales and Cacdac who were being pursued by the CPP-NPA’s SPARU units had admitted being on the run for almost a year.
To note, Cabales and Cacdac were leaders of the GF-25 under the Southern Mindanao Region Command. They were subjected to death after having been involved in cases of fund malverzation which both later denied. The two asserted that it was a way for the Party to persecute them after having been found that they were about to lay down their arms.
As speculated, various leftist-controlled rights group were directed to wage legal actions against the government in COMVAL; insisting that the military is in custody of said cadres. That is, as comrades from its SPARU units pursues all three intending to leave the blames of their deaths on the military. This, indisputably, had been one of the tactics used by the CPP-NPA particularly among its allied members who were suspected of treason.
On other accounts, CPP-NPA-NDF members who were dispensable enough were subjected to summary executions just to establish a case on the pursuing government unit. This for instance involves the sets of “purging” or cleansing operations of the CPP-NPA that was disclosed to the public sometime in 2006. Sardonically, this had been the same ratio counted by Alston on his presumed accounts of political killing nationwide that by now handcuffs our military. Alston is by far unwittingly feeding the CPP-NPA-NDF. Ironically, the HR specialist had been asking the wrong questions on all the wrong places. Even the Davao death squad that Alston was implying to form part of the CPP-NPA’s Oplan Linis Demonyo that was even attested to by the blood-driven Commander Leoncio Pitao alias Parago.
And now, Alston is making it far easier for the CPP-NPA by invoking that “greater transparency” is achieved by having our government divulged vital information on personalities under the AFP’s order of battle and watchlist. By so doing, the government is practically making their moves detectible and worse vulnerable for Communist to sabotage. Is there really a government agency in the world stupid enough to practically hand their know-hows and actions to threatening revolutionist totalitarians? Tell that to the Americans! People outside the military would obvious think the same.
UN Human Rights Specialist Philip Alston, with due respect to his commitment in the country’s politicized deaths should first rationalize his supposed “measures” in establishing “greater transparency” in our government. First and foremost he remains a “stranger” amongst us; he simply cannot “boss” Filipinos around whenever he feels dissatisfied with what our government is capable of doing. Lambasting the current administration for supposed slow-paced countermeasures on extra-judicial abuses, which he himself had commended “efficient”, had gone from “tolerable” to “insufferable”.
Surely, not one Juan dela Cruz across the street would absolve GLORIA for her administration’s shortcomings but neither would he discount the efforts made by the government to resolve such. In fact, this had been the ultimate reason why GLORIA continues to remain afloat despite series of recent upheavals caused by believed exploitative graft cases under her rule.
Filipinos simply know when and where they should act and whom to listen to. Unfortunately, Alston with his hard to live-up standards was far too “ignorant” to notice that.
The obvious decline in the ratios of believed militants’ executions in-between 2006 till 2008 could speak for itself. What is Alston expecting from 220 to zilch? Anyone logical enough to synthesize this progress and Alston’s appositive view would think otherwise. Not even western super powers are able to do it. Take for example the ongoing detention cells in Guantanamo Bay. Other than supposed tortures habitually executed among prisoners in said detention camp, death tolls of inmates had also skyrocketed. Or what about the summary executions launched in Latin America?
The rise of Columbia drug-trade and gun-running that almost crippled the country’s law enforcement had also reflected thousands of untold deaths per day. Else, the ruthless clout of Communism in Myanmar that until now dragged children combatants and massive forced labor across the country. These were far horrible cases of human rights that Alston himself could not swallow. Admittedly, the 64 cases of these assumed unexplained disappearances and illegal detentions filed by various militant groups in the country are of no match if compared with the plummeting human rights defenses in the international arena. Thus, Alston’s bickering here and there of our country’s HR progress had entirely been overrated.
For the sake of argument, let say Alston was not entirely pointless with his “waving the red flag” on assumed lax in the country’s law enforcement. Frankly speaking, civilians residing across far-flung villages in the country echo the same screech. Undeniably, extortions and wide-range threat posed by the Communist Party of the Philippines are gaining grounds. Reasons for such include the military being tied-down by riddling charges of often insubstantial writs of amparo. The CPP-NPA with the help ofcourse of its allied groups run by the National Democratic Front (NDF) had exploited Filipinos’ very democratic space to shield their misdeeds.
Specifically, this had to do with the filed writ of amparo on the 66th Infantry Battalion by members of KARAPATAN regarding the foiled abduction and detention of NPA leaders- Ruel Cabales, Catherine Guino-o Cacdac and Nelson Carbajosa in Compostella Valley. However, in about a month, all three negated said charges and attested having surrendered to said military unit for reasons of dwindling food supply and disgruntling guerilla leadership. Cabales and Cacdac who were being pursued by the CPP-NPA’s SPARU units had admitted being on the run for almost a year.
To note, Cabales and Cacdac were leaders of the GF-25 under the Southern Mindanao Region Command. They were subjected to death after having been involved in cases of fund malverzation which both later denied. The two asserted that it was a way for the Party to persecute them after having been found that they were about to lay down their arms.
As speculated, various leftist-controlled rights group were directed to wage legal actions against the government in COMVAL; insisting that the military is in custody of said cadres. That is, as comrades from its SPARU units pursues all three intending to leave the blames of their deaths on the military. This, indisputably, had been one of the tactics used by the CPP-NPA particularly among its allied members who were suspected of treason.
On other accounts, CPP-NPA-NDF members who were dispensable enough were subjected to summary executions just to establish a case on the pursuing government unit. This for instance involves the sets of “purging” or cleansing operations of the CPP-NPA that was disclosed to the public sometime in 2006. Sardonically, this had been the same ratio counted by Alston on his presumed accounts of political killing nationwide that by now handcuffs our military. Alston is by far unwittingly feeding the CPP-NPA-NDF. Ironically, the HR specialist had been asking the wrong questions on all the wrong places. Even the Davao death squad that Alston was implying to form part of the CPP-NPA’s Oplan Linis Demonyo that was even attested to by the blood-driven Commander Leoncio Pitao alias Parago.
And now, Alston is making it far easier for the CPP-NPA by invoking that “greater transparency” is achieved by having our government divulged vital information on personalities under the AFP’s order of battle and watchlist. By so doing, the government is practically making their moves detectible and worse vulnerable for Communist to sabotage. Is there really a government agency in the world stupid enough to practically hand their know-hows and actions to threatening revolutionist totalitarians? Tell that to the Americans! People outside the military would obvious think the same.
Philip Alston,
UN Human Rights,
Writs of Amparo
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
For the past two weeks the Communist Party of the Philippines and the New People’s Army abducted and killed one unarmed soldier; his corpse was later found lying across a provincial road with traces of torture. Ssgt Rollin Maglangit under the 36IB was captured in a CPP-NPA controlled check-point in Km 33, New Visayas, Langkilaan, Trento, Agusan del Sur. About a hundred of Reds army under the PBC-5 Southern Mindanao Regional Command (SMRC) caught-up on Rollin, whose corpse was discovered May 23rd.
Man Hunt or Death Chase?
About one hundred battle-ready rebels disarmed and nabbed Ssgt Maglangit early morning of May 22nd while on his way home. Taking-in prisoners during legit operations are reasonable. But indiscriminate singling-out of soldiers while they are off duty not to mention the premeditated torture and killing are deemed illogically and criminally aligned. This proves that Communist machinations evolve coward and dastard acts of felony. Stabbing the enemy at its back seems the only potent weapon of the CPP-NPA-NDF.
Disgustingly, NPA-SMRC claims that Maglangit’s death was reasonable. In fact, the NPA was trying to portray a “mad-man” who resisted against a hundred of armed opponents. Maglangit was not delusional to think that he could out-win such a ratio. He was kept in an NPA-concentrated camp; inducing a confrontation where he sure is outnumbered was obviously not part of his sane move. The NPA claiming Maglangit run-off at about a distance from his pursuing captures where he was eventually shot to death was by far a blatant made-up scenario.
There was not a chase. Else, there was a death hunt. Maglangit was made into a living target for the Reds to practice their aims at. The NPA made mercilessly killed an unarmed man to avenge about a dozen of their comrades killed and wounded during the open-offensive in COMVAL for the past months. Maglangit’s death was a trophy for the narrow-minded Communist idealist. And that leaving his lifeless body behind was the apex of the CPP-NPA’s showing-off.
Vulnerability to Communist Threat
The CPP-NPA was in no authority to establish and man checkpoints in the land where democracy overrules Communism. Civilian vehicles held in these posts that were either extorted or threatened were by far evidence of how the CPP-NPA suppresses human rights. Where does their acclaimed mantra of freeing the people of injustice fit in this picture? The leftist liberators were nothing less than the very suppressors the people are up against.
We hear militants crying-out for demilitarization? Has it crossed their minds that demilitarizing our lands mean giving-in to the CPP-NPA mandate? This would give them the opportunity to exploit our countryside, establish shadow jurisdiction and worse play demi gods and subject civilians to further pillage. This is outrightly arming ruthless criminals and openhandedly condoning their crimes. Abuse is but the only ideology the CPP-NPA does not fail to commit. For one, it was not such an issue for them to decapitate one of their own; remembering the 1980-1990 purging or cleansing operation of the CPP that turned a huge part of Samar and Bukidnon into dreaded killing fields.
The presence of about 163 guerilla fronts across the country posed a threat to the core of democratic freedom. Having recruits ages 8 to 80 and practically grooming them for battle in hopes to have Jose Maria Sison or Benito Tiamzon to come into power is nonetheless tyranny and deceit playing a major rule for greed to rule. About 5 out of 10 civilians are made vulnerable to Communist intimidation; the other half was later deduced as collateral damages. That is, as civilians served no less than their effective shield against pursuing government troops.
This year alone, about 40 liquidations were carried-out by the CPP-NPA not to include the series of landmining in the provinces of Rizal and the Bicol region. Landmining was ruled illegal in the Geneva conventions since this not only poses direct threat to civilians but is an act of treachery. However, the CPP-NPA bearing their clear disregard for the said engagement had by far violated said rule over and again. Their persistent claim of taking-over in whatever cost and consequence made them the criminal and menace that they are now. Other than gangsterism, the CPP-NPA is quickly developing into a mafia magnate where its extorted multi-millions or “protection racket schemes” bought several mansions and assets under the name of its leadership.
The CPP-NPA minding their abusive nature as discussed has no doubt actuated the murder of Ssgt Maglangit. To this, they should face trial and be held accountable.
Man Hunt or Death Chase?
About one hundred battle-ready rebels disarmed and nabbed Ssgt Maglangit early morning of May 22nd while on his way home. Taking-in prisoners during legit operations are reasonable. But indiscriminate singling-out of soldiers while they are off duty not to mention the premeditated torture and killing are deemed illogically and criminally aligned. This proves that Communist machinations evolve coward and dastard acts of felony. Stabbing the enemy at its back seems the only potent weapon of the CPP-NPA-NDF.
Disgustingly, NPA-SMRC claims that Maglangit’s death was reasonable. In fact, the NPA was trying to portray a “mad-man” who resisted against a hundred of armed opponents. Maglangit was not delusional to think that he could out-win such a ratio. He was kept in an NPA-concentrated camp; inducing a confrontation where he sure is outnumbered was obviously not part of his sane move. The NPA claiming Maglangit run-off at about a distance from his pursuing captures where he was eventually shot to death was by far a blatant made-up scenario.
There was not a chase. Else, there was a death hunt. Maglangit was made into a living target for the Reds to practice their aims at. The NPA made mercilessly killed an unarmed man to avenge about a dozen of their comrades killed and wounded during the open-offensive in COMVAL for the past months. Maglangit’s death was a trophy for the narrow-minded Communist idealist. And that leaving his lifeless body behind was the apex of the CPP-NPA’s showing-off.
Vulnerability to Communist Threat
The CPP-NPA was in no authority to establish and man checkpoints in the land where democracy overrules Communism. Civilian vehicles held in these posts that were either extorted or threatened were by far evidence of how the CPP-NPA suppresses human rights. Where does their acclaimed mantra of freeing the people of injustice fit in this picture? The leftist liberators were nothing less than the very suppressors the people are up against.
We hear militants crying-out for demilitarization? Has it crossed their minds that demilitarizing our lands mean giving-in to the CPP-NPA mandate? This would give them the opportunity to exploit our countryside, establish shadow jurisdiction and worse play demi gods and subject civilians to further pillage. This is outrightly arming ruthless criminals and openhandedly condoning their crimes. Abuse is but the only ideology the CPP-NPA does not fail to commit. For one, it was not such an issue for them to decapitate one of their own; remembering the 1980-1990 purging or cleansing operation of the CPP that turned a huge part of Samar and Bukidnon into dreaded killing fields.
The presence of about 163 guerilla fronts across the country posed a threat to the core of democratic freedom. Having recruits ages 8 to 80 and practically grooming them for battle in hopes to have Jose Maria Sison or Benito Tiamzon to come into power is nonetheless tyranny and deceit playing a major rule for greed to rule. About 5 out of 10 civilians are made vulnerable to Communist intimidation; the other half was later deduced as collateral damages. That is, as civilians served no less than their effective shield against pursuing government troops.
This year alone, about 40 liquidations were carried-out by the CPP-NPA not to include the series of landmining in the provinces of Rizal and the Bicol region. Landmining was ruled illegal in the Geneva conventions since this not only poses direct threat to civilians but is an act of treachery. However, the CPP-NPA bearing their clear disregard for the said engagement had by far violated said rule over and again. Their persistent claim of taking-over in whatever cost and consequence made them the criminal and menace that they are now. Other than gangsterism, the CPP-NPA is quickly developing into a mafia magnate where its extorted multi-millions or “protection racket schemes” bought several mansions and assets under the name of its leadership.
The CPP-NPA minding their abusive nature as discussed has no doubt actuated the murder of Ssgt Maglangit. To this, they should face trial and be held accountable.
New Peoples Army,
Thursday, June 4, 2009
It seems that the women’s group GABRIELA has found yet another two “victims” to recover their waning anti-Visiting Forces Agreement campaign following Subic rape case victim Nicole’s decision to drop their so-called help and leave for the United States in March 2009.
Vanessa, another girl claiming to have been raped by a US serviceman is now under the wings of GABRIELA. However, unlike Nicole, the new adopted case is dead set in only causing a public stir and is unwilling to file a formal complaint against the John Jones who allegedly raped her; this despite being consistently persuaded to do so by the militant women’s group and Lawyer Evalyn Ursua who defended for Nicole during the height of the Subic rape case. Aside from being the professed champions of rape victims, GABRIELA is also planning to anchor their electoral campaign and anti-VFA propagandas on Navy Lieutenant Senior Grade Nancy Gadian who exposed the alleged P46 million Balikatan fund scandal.
Proving their expertise in engaging on public trials, Representative Liza Masa who is also currently a senatorial wannabe of the upcoming 2010 elections has deliberately filed a resolution at the House of Representatives which would call for an investigation into the alleged fund scam. Aside from seeking a probe, Masa has also asked the Congress to provide protection to Lt Senior Grade Gadian and her family.
Based from these two issues, we can only deduce the following motives behind GABRIELA’s determined move to exploit Vanessa and Nancy.
First, there was never a plan for Vanessa to file a formal legal complaint against John Jones as her public appearance – complete with the same strategy of having her whole face covered - was merely launched to project inaction on the part of the government which in GABRIELA’s case would be better than engaging their adopted case into a long-drawn legal battle, that is, propaganda wise and which could also accidentally prove that there was never a rape incident in the first place.
For Nancy’s part, GABRIELA was quite blissful for having found a woman officer whom they can finally utilize to attack their longtime nemesis – the AFP and everything it stand for as an institution. These two issues are more than enough for GABRIELA to advance their electoral campaign for the 2010 elections. This would also help in propelling the senatorial plans of Liza Masa.
Now, would Vanessa and Nancy just allow themselves to be used as a pawn by a group professing to be the champion of women’s right when they are merely using these two “victims” for their own political ambition?
Vanessa, another girl claiming to have been raped by a US serviceman is now under the wings of GABRIELA. However, unlike Nicole, the new adopted case is dead set in only causing a public stir and is unwilling to file a formal complaint against the John Jones who allegedly raped her; this despite being consistently persuaded to do so by the militant women’s group and Lawyer Evalyn Ursua who defended for Nicole during the height of the Subic rape case. Aside from being the professed champions of rape victims, GABRIELA is also planning to anchor their electoral campaign and anti-VFA propagandas on Navy Lieutenant Senior Grade Nancy Gadian who exposed the alleged P46 million Balikatan fund scandal.
Proving their expertise in engaging on public trials, Representative Liza Masa who is also currently a senatorial wannabe of the upcoming 2010 elections has deliberately filed a resolution at the House of Representatives which would call for an investigation into the alleged fund scam. Aside from seeking a probe, Masa has also asked the Congress to provide protection to Lt Senior Grade Gadian and her family.
Based from these two issues, we can only deduce the following motives behind GABRIELA’s determined move to exploit Vanessa and Nancy.
First, there was never a plan for Vanessa to file a formal legal complaint against John Jones as her public appearance – complete with the same strategy of having her whole face covered - was merely launched to project inaction on the part of the government which in GABRIELA’s case would be better than engaging their adopted case into a long-drawn legal battle, that is, propaganda wise and which could also accidentally prove that there was never a rape incident in the first place.
For Nancy’s part, GABRIELA was quite blissful for having found a woman officer whom they can finally utilize to attack their longtime nemesis – the AFP and everything it stand for as an institution. These two issues are more than enough for GABRIELA to advance their electoral campaign for the 2010 elections. This would also help in propelling the senatorial plans of Liza Masa.
Now, would Vanessa and Nancy just allow themselves to be used as a pawn by a group professing to be the champion of women’s right when they are merely using these two “victims” for their own political ambition?
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Deposed president Erap Estrada found his sins so-called absolution with Teddy Casiño backing his next shot at the presidency. The staunch activist made himself a ‘servant” of Erap in exchange of not less that Php500,000 as an initial pay-off. It had been apparent that Erap won his “salvation” from Casiño in merely half a million peso.
Is not a sign of defeat that BAYAN Muna’s Teddy Casiño knelt-down on convicted plunderer Erap Estrada? Those stalwart enemies are now on locking-arms and even flaunting each others’ company. For the love of politicking and financial machinery, Casiño orders BAYAN Muna members to forcefully swallow Erap down their throats. For the pursuit of Casiño’s political ambitions, BAYAN Muna is to serve the interest of TRAPOs in the Genuine Opposition like chamber maids.
The newly-surfaced political pool-MAKABAYAN that is comprised of BAYAN Muna, GABRIELA, ANAKPAWIS and KABATAAN partylist groups and ofcourse the Genuine Opposition led by both Makati Mayor Jejomar Binay and Erap served as the nook of moral meltdown in the country. MAKABAYAN happens to be the apex of “political maneuvering” that gone from bad to worst. The group that is also campaigning for Casiño’s ascendancy to the Senate by 2010 claims it is anti-TRAPO when in fact it is simply covering-up for the TRAPOs who seemingly pay them millions. Casiño is worse than Erap. Sucking-up with TRAPOs to get into the Senate floor made Casiño the “dirt” shrugged on the rug.
Frankly speaking, Erap testing the presidential waters again despite the respite of the public is to be blamed at Casiño and company who by now traded their militancy to become first-class lapdogs. This made Philippine politics revolting. As EDSA Dos became part of the obviously neglected history, the interest to persecute Erap and the enthusiasm to have the tribunals taking its course died along with it. This was because we let people such as Casiño to dictate us on what and who to believe. We let Casiño speak for us. We let Casiño’s blander and “political speeches” deafen our resolve for what is wrong and fitting. We made Casiño believe that his supposed clout on public perception is enough to have him erring across Erap’s camp, taking adverse and opposing decisions like pushing BAYAN Muna to praise the former’s money and even bending Juan dela Cruz to the limit by supporting the presidency of the man who once abused his authority. Filipinos are not dumb to take-back Erap like his plunder was not an issue. Casiño may have bargained his loyalty for the senate seat, but the masses will think and act differently.
Erap-Casiño tandem for 2010 is what disgusts the public. The far-cry for reform remains elusive as politicking rule 2010. Not the so-called third force or the MAKABAYAN group pushed no less by Casiño and those claiming to be in the “right” are worth people’s trust. Erap is unfit for the presidency. Casiño who thinks otherwise is part of the rotten bunch.
Is not a sign of defeat that BAYAN Muna’s Teddy Casiño knelt-down on convicted plunderer Erap Estrada? Those stalwart enemies are now on locking-arms and even flaunting each others’ company. For the love of politicking and financial machinery, Casiño orders BAYAN Muna members to forcefully swallow Erap down their throats. For the pursuit of Casiño’s political ambitions, BAYAN Muna is to serve the interest of TRAPOs in the Genuine Opposition like chamber maids.
The newly-surfaced political pool-MAKABAYAN that is comprised of BAYAN Muna, GABRIELA, ANAKPAWIS and KABATAAN partylist groups and ofcourse the Genuine Opposition led by both Makati Mayor Jejomar Binay and Erap served as the nook of moral meltdown in the country. MAKABAYAN happens to be the apex of “political maneuvering” that gone from bad to worst. The group that is also campaigning for Casiño’s ascendancy to the Senate by 2010 claims it is anti-TRAPO when in fact it is simply covering-up for the TRAPOs who seemingly pay them millions. Casiño is worse than Erap. Sucking-up with TRAPOs to get into the Senate floor made Casiño the “dirt” shrugged on the rug.
Frankly speaking, Erap testing the presidential waters again despite the respite of the public is to be blamed at Casiño and company who by now traded their militancy to become first-class lapdogs. This made Philippine politics revolting. As EDSA Dos became part of the obviously neglected history, the interest to persecute Erap and the enthusiasm to have the tribunals taking its course died along with it. This was because we let people such as Casiño to dictate us on what and who to believe. We let Casiño speak for us. We let Casiño’s blander and “political speeches” deafen our resolve for what is wrong and fitting. We made Casiño believe that his supposed clout on public perception is enough to have him erring across Erap’s camp, taking adverse and opposing decisions like pushing BAYAN Muna to praise the former’s money and even bending Juan dela Cruz to the limit by supporting the presidency of the man who once abused his authority. Filipinos are not dumb to take-back Erap like his plunder was not an issue. Casiño may have bargained his loyalty for the senate seat, but the masses will think and act differently.
Erap-Casiño tandem for 2010 is what disgusts the public. The far-cry for reform remains elusive as politicking rule 2010. Not the so-called third force or the MAKABAYAN group pushed no less by Casiño and those claiming to be in the “right” are worth people’s trust. Erap is unfit for the presidency. Casiño who thinks otherwise is part of the rotten bunch.
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